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Posted by Larry McLaughlin on April 15, 2004 at 05:57:33:
I have a very nice Sansui component system that I purchased overseas back in 89. Its too big now for any room (so my wife says) and I am not sure what to do with it or what its worth. There are a couple of things wrong with it so not sure if its worth repairing and selling or just selling. The reverb has a bad light on the display, the panpot on the amp is dusty, when rotating, it makes scratchy sound through speakers. Also 2 years ago when I last used it, the amp after 5 hours of play, sound would kick out, cycling power would then let it play again. Might have been a heat issue . Pieces that I have are: B2101, C2101, RA1000, DW10, TU-D99X also have a Pioneer SG-90 and M90X. Everything is scratch, dent, ding free. The units spent a lot of time in storage while I was in the service plus I take very good care of my toys. Most of you seem very knowledgeable about stereo equipment so thought I would ask the forum.