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Posted by Steve on June 04, 2004 at 12:53:44:
In Reply to: Re: AU 717 posted by BeatleFred on May 30, 2004 at 15:07:58:
I originally bought a sansui AU-217 at a value village in Canada on a whim. Now I own it and a 717 and a 517 and use them all together for a DD/dts surround system.
Here's my advice: $90 Canadian is a steal for this amp. They sell for $400 (cdn) or more on eBay. If you are having it shipped from the states (they weigh like 45 pounds), that alone would probably cost more than $90 Canadian. There is a good chance that this amp could use some minor contact cleaning sort of work, or maybe some other component will need to be changed. I know in my AU-717, the pre-amp to power amp switch needed to be cleaned (with contact cleaner), as did the contacts in the speaker relays, and the volume control pot had to be cleaned as well. Even if you have to take this amp to a repair shop and pay to have something fixed, it will still be a good deal.
I'd say you should try hooking it up to speakers in the second hand shop, and if you get clear sound out of each side, it will likely not need too much done to it. Maybe you should snatch it up before someone else does.
I find a good way of testing these for proper functioning is to use an 8-ohm resistive load, connect it to a signal generator, and measure the power output (voltage measurement over the load should suffice if you don't have an appropriate power meter) while watching the output on a scope for distortion or clipping. I think you'll find that they put out a lot more power than they are rated for, but would probably overheat if you put that through them continuously (close to 150 Watts RMS into 4 Ohms).
Again, you could probably have some guys in a repair shop do this for you at a minimal cost.