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Posted by BeatleFred on July 16, 2004 at 20:19:47:
In Reply to: Sansui T-990 Classique Tuner - any comments? posted by Matt on July 15, 2004 at 21:31:24:
As far as Tuners go, Sansui has an excellent reputation. In the 1970's, the company produced some truly excellent Tuners such as the TU-9900, TU-717, TU-719, TU-919, and of course, what some consider to be THE best tuner ever made, the TU-X1. In the 1980's, analog tuners gave way to digital tuners, and although the quality of construction was not as good as it was in the 70's (less metal, more plastic), Sansui still made tuners with excellent technical specs, such as the TU-S9.
The model you have is a tuner that Sansui made in the 80's to go along with the integrated amp (A-990) that was part of an all-in-one combo rack system (speakers, cass deck , turntable etc.., as could be seen in their catalogs of the time) - These models are decent - in other words, they are NOT the the best models that Sansui made, but for basic, average use, they are ok. They certainly are good buys in that they can be bought for very little $$ from places such as Ebay. I have a Sansui T-1000 tuner I acquired from Ebay for only $10 and it works/plays fine. I also have a TU-719 which is certainly a much more elegantly made tuner, but - its not easy finding one that can be bought for less than ~ $200.