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Re: 9090db

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Posted by Sten on December 16, 2004 at 01:26:03:

In Reply to: 9090db posted by Bruce on December 15, 2004 at 20:19:39:

: I just got a 9090db that blew the main fuse only. All the output transistors are a dead short. I'm surprised the protection circuit didn't protect against this. Any suggestions on why? Also, if I replace the power transistors, should I be aware of anything else before powering it up? Thanks, Bruce

Hi Bruce
You have to find out the reason for your Power Transistors became shorted. If you replace them and switch on your receiver they might be damaged again. Check the driver circuits. You must use a variac so it´s possible to increase the AC Voltage little by little and search for current increase somewhere. If you need Power Transistors you can find Sanken Brand substitutes (2SA909/2SC1586) at

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