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Brochures Set #1 --- from Mr. Joe Searcy in Minnesota and Mr. Goran Setka in Belgrade, Serbia. These brochures cover product lines from the late 1970's. This set covers speakers, record players, decks, receivers, and Professional and Definition Series amplifiers.
Brochures and Photos Set #2 --- from Mr. Jaap van den Bosch in Netherlands. These brochures and photos were originally distributed for the purpose of eBay sale. I have obtained the permission from Mr. Bosch to post them on this site. This set covers AU-X1 and TU-X1.
Brochures Set #3 --- from my dear friend, Major Robert Sarbell - U.S. Air Force. Those were very first speakers Sansui ever put on market. As same as other early Sansui products, they were well built, and helped to establish the Sansui reputation on speakers.
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