My Sansui: Polen in HK -- C-55, B-55, T-60

( Please click on the picture to enlarge it)
My Sansui System: Mr. John Walten in Australia - AU-5700
John Wrote: I have a Sansui AU-5700 Amp Even after 30 years
of continual use, it has never failed me once. A hifi salesman almost persuaded
to update my system. Nothing sounded as good as what I have. Thanks to your site
other people agree. I believe I have a truly great Amplifier.
Congratulations to Sansui. I have a pair of old 12" Tannoy Gold Monitor
Speakers and a pair of ProAc shelf speakers. They seem to be a good match
resulting in smooth yet bright sound.
Regards John Walton Western Australia

( Please click on the picture to enlarge it)
My Sansui: Scott - G-22000

( Please click on the picture to enlarge it)
My Sansui: Mr. Dieter Behrens in Germany -- SP-3005
Dieter wrote:
I´ve got a
picture of my Sansui SP-3005
( Please click on the picture to enlarge it)
My Sansui: Mr. Paul Clarke -- AU-999

( Please click on the picture to enlarge it)
My Sansui: More photos from Kenny
( Please click on the picture to enlarge it)
My Sansui: Mr. Trevor Ou Tim -- SM-12A

( Please click on the picture to enlarge it)
My Sansui: Mr. Marc Sieben -- AU-777A & TU-777
( Please click on the picture to enlarge it)